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When you are expecting to become a new mother, pregnancy might seem like it’s taking forever. Don’t worry, though; you will get to see and hold your baby in no time. Meanwhile, as you wait, you can take advantage of this time to prepare yourself and your family for the changes ahead. Advance planning will help make things easier, leading to a happy and relaxed pregnancy. Let’s look at some of the ways in which you can prepare for your coming newborn baby.
Find a Doctor for Your Baby
This is the most appropriate time to find a pediatrician for your baby. By doing this, you will allow yourself enough time to find the best physician. You do not want to work with just any physician who accepts you and your insurance cover but one who will become a good fit for your family.
The second thing you should do is talk to your health insurance company about adding your baby to your insurance policy. This is also the time to find out which local physicians are covered. Take time to understand how your policy works regarding maternity care.
Talk Things Out with Your Partner
There are many things you and your partner can discuss pertaining to the new baby you are expecting. It could be how he will help you during labor or what you will need from each other when the baby is finally home. Having different expectations could trigger major conflicts, and it is, therefore, important that you work this out before that time comes. Do not sit there and assume that your partner is aware of how much the new family member will change your life.
Agree on how you will share household and baby responsibilities. You can also educate him on less obvious matters like how he should support you during breastfeeding. Other big decisions like naming and circumcision should be made now.
Work with a Photographer
You want to capture a moment of you pregnant with your first baby, don’t you? Well, the best way to do this is by working with a professional newborn photographer. Make sure you contact a few different professionals ahead of time so that you have plenty of time before the birth to pick a photographer that you love. Everyone has their own preferred style so it is important to find someone who will provide you with what you are looking for.
Talk to Experienced Moms
Becoming a new mother is like moving to a different country with a different culture. There are a lot of things related to motherhood, some of which you might not be aware of. Baby blues, leaking pee, and reduced sex drive are some of the things an experienced mom will help you understand. You might not have the same experiences as your friends but finding out about some things in advance will reduce the surprises. If you happen to have friends who are moms, solicit advice from them.
By talking to honest people who are willing to share their experiences with you, you can adjust your expectations accordingly. There is a myth that bonding should be instant, but that is not true for every mother, for instance. However, avoid taking fear-instilling talks such as how labor is terrifying and complicated. Instead, ask for more helpful information.
Preparing Older Siblings
What most people don’t realize is that a new baby impacts the older kid’s life as well. Fortunately enough, you have nine months to psychologically prepare your older children. This way, they will get used to the idea that they are about to have a younger sibling. Most mothers use a baby doll to help older children understand what’s happening. Preschoolers and older toddlers enjoy pretend play, and when they see you feeding and diapering the new baby, it will all seem familiar.
There are hospitals that offer sibling classes older children are taught about babies. They will learn why babies cry, why they sleep so much, and how to keep them safe. Kids appreciate these lessons, and it will make them feel like part of the family. When your labor day approaches, get someone to take care of your other children during your maternity stay and afterward.
Here is the fun part. Even pets require pre-baby preparations. There are different ways of doing this. You can learn how to do it yourself from books and online articles, or you can hire a local trainer to prepare your pets. You will also have to deliberate on whether you will need to hire a dog walker or baby sitter while you are away to deliver your new baby.
Waiting for a new baby is exciting and confusing at the same time. This is why you will need to prepare effectively to avoid confusion. There are many ways in which you can prepare to have a new baby, but the above-mentioned tips are a great starting point.