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It’s not reasonable to expect everything to go your way when you’re undertaking a task as large as buying a home. But in the end, you’ll hope that it’s all worth it. Alas, this is not always the case. There are plenty of property owners who regret their decision. Indeed, regret is so common among homebuyers that it even has a name: buyer’s remorse. The good news is that with a bit of advance thinking, you can reduce the likelihood that you’ll fall into that category. Below, we’ll take a look at a number of tips that’ll be worthwhile incorporating into your plan when you’re buying a home.
Know the Area
You’re not just buying a home; you’re buying into a community. Indeed, a large chunk of the value of your home will be based on the area in which it is located. When you’re considering buying a house, make sure that you spend some time in the local area. If you get bad energy from the place, then it’ll be worth reconsidering or at least spending a longer time getting to know the area. The enjoyment of your property will only be compromised if you hate everything that surrounds it!
Take Your Time
There are times when waiting too long can be damaging, but when it comes to something as big as buying a property, it’s much better to err on the side of caution, rather than jumping into something. You’ll be committing to the property for, on average, around 5 – 10 years at least, so you can surely wait a few months. You need time to determine whether a property is right for you or not, and if you’re selecting to buy too early in the process, then you’ll run the risk of making a mistake.
Figure Out The Finances
The number one reason why people regret buying their property is that it costs too much. Indeed, they could love their home, yet if the costs are too high, then eventually they’ll begin to feel the strain. Remember, when you buy a home, you’re agreeing to pay for it for decades, so it’s really important that you can afford it. A loan amortization chart can help to visualize how much you’ll have to spend on your mortgage over the years. One of the best ways to avoid problems is to determine how much property you can buy before you begin your search and then commit to sticking to that sum, even if you find a dream home that’s slightly more expensive.
Five Years Down The Line
You’re not just buying a property for today. It’s an investment for the future, and we don’t just mean in financial terms. It’s an investment in your future lifestyle, so it’s important that any home you’re looking to purchase will be suitable for the future that you envision. For example, let’s think about five years down the line. Will you have more children by then? Will your children have moved out of the home? Do you plan to spend more/less time at home? Thinking about your future plans will prevent problems from materializing in the future.
Wants Versus Needs
There are many properties on the market. To find the one that’s right for you, you’ll need to come up with a list of needs and wants. This will help to narrow down your search, instantly. The needs are non-negotiable. If a property does not have one of the things on your ‘need’ list, then cross it off the list of potential homes. Of course, you should be strict with your ‘needs.’ A swimming pool and private gym are not realistic needs, unless you’re rich and famous. Your wants are the bonus features that would make a home more appealing. If you find a place that has all your needs and a couple of ‘wants’ thrown in too, then it’ll be worthwhile taking a closer look.
Stop Searching
Let’s say that you’ve found the home that you’re going to buy. At this stage, there’s no value in continuing to search property listings. You’ve found your home, why continue looking at others? All that’ll happen is that you’ll begin to sow doubts in your mind, which are unlikely to be true. It’s like when we commit to anything. Suddenly, all the other options on the table begin to look a lot more appealing, but that’s only because we’re only noticing the positive points. Avoid all the new listings, and instead, focus your energy on making buying the home that you’ve chosen as smooth as possible.
Talk With Other People
It’s good to talk. Engage with your friends and family in the home buying purchase. They, after all, often know us better than we know ourselves. If they’re telling you that the home you’ve chosen isn’t right for you, then it’s worthwhile listening. Of course, it’ll ultimately be your decision, but it can be good to have the input of the people that know us best.
Trust Your Instinct
Your gut will tell you a lot. Even if you find a place that, on paper, seems like it’s a great option for you, if there’s something deep inside that is telling you it’s not the right place, then show caution. That’s not to say that you should follow your gut exclusively. You might fall in love with a home straight away just because it smells like your childhood home or something. Even when it’s a case of love at first sight, it’s a good idea to go through the process of due diligence.
Get As Much Information As You Can
Knowledge is power. The more you know about a property, the less chance of experiencing buyer’s remorse. People typically end up feeling regretful because they discover one big problem or another only after they’ve moved in. Working with a reliable estate agent will give you faith that you know all there is to know ahead of time.
Know That You’ll Have Options
One of the reasons why the burden of carrying buyer’s remorse can feel so heavy is because it can feel like a trap. We begin to regret the purchase, and then, over time, that regret turns into resentment and then hatred. But this only happens because it feels as if we don’t have a choice. Yet if there’s one thing to know, about properties and life, it’s that we always have options. If you really don’t like your home, then put it on the market, and move. Yes, it’ll take a lot of effort, and it wouldn’t be your preferred way of doing things, but it’ll make you feel better in the long run.
Is It Something You Really Want?
Finally, think about this: is owning a home something that you really want? Society pushes us into owning a home, but it’s not for everyone. Before you begin looking for a home, interrogate the inner motivation that is driving the decision. If you can’t come up with a concrete reason why you want to commit to a home, or you don’t truly believe in the reasons that you do come up with, then perhaps homeownership isn’t for you, and there’s nothing wrong with.
There are no guarantees in this world, but if you take the advice that we’ve outlined above, then you’ll find that it’s much less likely that you experience buyer’s remorse, or that you can more easily overcome any of the issues that could lead to feeling that way.