Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on <a href="https://www.pexels.com/photo/joyful-adult-daughter-greeting-happy-surprised-senior-mother-in-garden-3768131/" rel="nofollow">Pexels.com</a>
It is hard to know what to do when you have parents that are aging and struggling with their regular daily activities, especially when you do not live nearby. If you live far away from your parents, then you are likely to spend a lot of time worrying about them in this situation, and you will not be close by to help on a regular basis. So, what can you do in this situation? There are a few helpful pieces of advice which should help you to be able to look after your parents, continue leading your own happy lifestyle and get peace of mind. Read on to find out more.
Maintain Regular Communication
First, you need to make sure that you are staying in regular communication with them. It is not realistic to visit frequently, but you can still check in with a phone call or perhaps a video call. In addition to seeing how they are doing and if they are struggling with anything, you should also make sure that you have some fun and enjoy your conversations – it is likely that they miss you and do not want to feel like a burden.
Communicate With People Nearby
Following this, you should also communicate with the people who do live nearby and are in their lives to form a support network. You obviously need to play your role as their child, but if you have other people keeping an eye on them, it means that you can get some peace of mind and support. This network might include people such as:
- Other family members
- Friends
- Neighbors
- The postman
- Their doctor
- Local caregivers
Assess and Address Living Situation
It is also smart to assess and address their living situation either by communicating with them or when you visit. This will help you identify any areas in life that they might be struggling with and then find ways to provide solutions. This could include getting adaptations made to the home, arranging to have a weekly food shop delivered, or handling important paperwork for them.
Discuss Senior Living Communities
When you live far away, and your parent(s) starts to struggle with daily activities, you might find that senior living communities are a smart idea. Most people want to stay put, but actually, these places can provide a great life for seniors because they help them maintain some independence while still having the chance to be social and active while getting the care and support needed.
Attend Important Appointments
If possible, you should try to be present for any important appointments that your parent has, whether this is a doctor’s appointment about a health issue, a financial advisor appointment, or any other type. You will want to obtain legal authorization to discuss these matters and think about questions that you can ask so that you can help in the best way that you can – it is helpful for moral support too.
It is tough when you do not live near your parents, and they start to struggle with their independence, but these tips will hopefully help you look after them even from afar.