In this global pandemic era, employers are having to step up to the pastoral plate. While targets, revenue, and profits were once the order of the day, business priorities have now changed. The novel coronavirus has taught everyone, even startup owners, that there is much more to life than materialistic things. The health and well being of your staff is now coming to the fore. You need to step up to the plate, fulfill your moral responsibilities, and be the boss that you would love to work for. Take a look at these three strategies to help you become a more caring boss.
Your employees are probably worried about the stability of their jobs. If you run a business in an industry that has been hit hard by Covid-19 such as retail, hospitality or tourism, you need to be clear in your communications with your staff team. Be honest and transparent. If you are struggling to maintain viability as a venture, give your staff plenty of notice in case redundancies need to occur. They need to have the chance to prepare and work toward a more buoyant future professionally. Consider sending out an email every week specifically for Covid related news. Then, organize a Zoom call every week to brief your staff that are no doubt working more remotely. This flexible way of working should be your first line of defense in keeping your employees safe.
If you are beginning to welcome your employees back to the office, you need to ensure that your environment is Covid-secure. While many businesses can operate in a remote working way, you may need certain staff members to head to the office on occasion. To step up to the pastoral plate, ensure that you have a deep cleaning system in place daily. Have hand sanitizer stations across the workplace and always keep social distancing a priority. This may mean moving tables, booths and furniture to ensure that your employees are two meters apart, they are faced back to back, and they don’t need to be in close contact. Implement a one way movement around the office to prevent any cross contamination or needless contact. By providing a safe and secure environment for your staff, they will feel more confident on their return.
You also need to maintain the usual health and safety legislation implementation. Just because coronavirus is present, doesn’t mean that other hazards go away. Should an employee have an accident at work or have a fall, be a responsible employer and put them in touch with a personal injury lawyer that has exceptional reviews.
Ensure that you listen to your employees. The chances are that they will have more concerns than ever and they will be eager to have their queries answered. Have a virtual open door policy, making yourself available at a set time every week via Zoom or Teams. Try and have the answers they need, but also be open and honest if you don’t know. This is a very turbulent and unpredictable time for employers and employees alike.
Be the caring boss that your employees need by following these three simple steps.