Struggling through a bankruptcy is difficult enough as it is, let alone while you have a family. You’ve had to gather everything together to file and it was a long and likely scary process. But now that it’s done with, you can move on and look on to better things in life. Filing for bankruptcy was likely the most difficult part, but now you can put it behind you can move on more positively. But how can you do so with a family? Here are some positive ways that your family can move forward after bankruptcy. You’d be surprised at how many families have to go through the same situation you’re in every year, so know that you’re not alone. These tips can help you and your family to think more positively after you’ve gone through a bankruptcy.
Open a savings account
Having a savings account is a beneficial way that can help you to get used to setting money aside for future use. By putting some money into a savings account every month, you’ll begin to feel like you have more breathing room with the expenses that you’re obligated to pay. The money that’s in your savings account will continually grow, and you can rely on this money if you absolutely need it. Even if you just put a few dollars in there every week or month, the account will add up quickly. And for a future instance where you’ve come into some trouble, you have at least some money to fall back on. Maybe even consider starting a savings account with your family. Everyone that’s able to can contribute what they can every week or month. This will allow it to grow even more over time.
Stay in contact with a professional
You have likely been in contact with a bankruptcy expert that’s been helping you throughout your bankruptcy process. It’s important that you remain in contact with them in order to fully complete and better understand the bankruptcy process. If you have not yet done this, consider contacting a licensed trustee through a bankruptcy corporation. They can help you with a consumer proposal in Alberta or your particular locale. By talking with experienced individuals, you can more successfully get through this difficult time in your life with more positive guidance.
Create a budget plan
Regardless of how you came into debt in the first place, whether it’s a job loss or inability to pay because of personal or health issues, you likely had some poor budgeting issues somewhere along the road. It’s important that you have a budget plan that you can set for you and your family. Layout all of the monthly expenses that you can your family are required to pay every month and then compare that with how much money everyone makes. Now set a budget that each person is required to stay within. This may be easier for you and your spouse to compare with each other since you’re likely the sole income earners in the household. But once you have your bills and expenses laid out, think about which bills are required and get rid of any services that your family doesn’t exactly need. Get your family back on track before you have services and products that aren’t necessary. You’ll want to set a budget that you can all stick to.
Educate yourself and your family
Above everything, you will benefit the most by educating yourself on finances and how to improve yours. There are loads of different topics in book form, online and through other resources that you can use to familiarize yourself with how to manage your money better. Once you become more understanding of how to manage finances, you can also educate your family too. You’ll want to be wary of any services that request money in exchange for information though since you can likely find the answers elsewhere.
Going through bankruptcy alone is difficult enough, and having to with your family can put even more pressure on you. But your family is ultimately there to support each other, and there can most definitely be a more positive change in your life to come. There are ways that you can rebuild your credit score and get back on track with just some lifestyle changes that you can conduct with your family. Just educate yourselves and don’t give up.