yellow ladybug and flower on a green grass background
The warm summer weather is an opportunity to enjoy the great outdoors. Unfortunately, bugs can ruin your summer plans. The Center for Disease and Control (CDC) warns that bugs can transmit diseases like the Zika virus, yellow fever, and Lyme disease. Here are five common summer bugs and how to deal with them.
Stinging Insects
Insect stings are excruciating and can lead to a severe allergic reaction. Common stinging insects include bees, wasps, hornets, and yellow jackets.
- Mow Your Lawn – The most effective control method is to deny these stinging insects a home on your property. You can achieve this by mowing your lawn. Any dirt patches should be covered with fresh grass.
- No sudden Movements – If you encounter a swarm or a colony on your property, its best to call for help. Don’t be tempted to start swatting; they may become aggressive. If you are stung, seek medical assistance.
- Lay off Sweet-smelling Perfumes – Bees, in particular, are drawn to such fragrances. They mistake it for the sweet smell of nectar. If you notice you attract bees, it’s time for a change.
If you have pets, chances are that your furry companion will also join in the summer fun. Ticks can move from pets to people during play. If left unchecked, ticks can transmit diseases as well.
- Inspection – After each round of outdoor fun, inspect your pets and children for any ticks. If you discover any, use a tweezer to remove it. Ensure even the head is removed. A magnifying glass can be useful for this job.
- Pesticides – Applying pesticides controls the tick population. However, before using a pesticide, find out the regulations about spraying pesticides in your area.
- Repellents – The use of permethrin insect repellents are effective at keeping ticks at bay. These repellents remain active for several hours.
- Landscaping – A tidy lawn helps to keep away most bugs, including ticks. Remember to remove the accumulated leaf litter. Repair that fence to keep off unwanted animals such as raccoons away from the property.
Mosquitoes are the biggest threat in the summer. In addition to being annoying, they are responsible for malaria. The mosquito population is typically at the highest in June.
- Drain Standing Water – Leaving standing water in your property gives mosquitoes a breeding ground. Look for these pools and drain them.
- Mosquito Repellents – If you are going to be outside, especially at dawn, apply some mosquito repellents on your skin. You can also wear long-sleeved clothing for additional protection.
- Automated Misting System – An automatic misting system sprays insecticides at timed intervals. Look into an Atlanta mosquito misting system that can be installed along the perimeter. This will solve your mosquito problem for good.
Termites retreat underground during colder weather and resurface when it gets warm. After hiding underground for a while, they will emerge hungry and ready to eat anything. Termites can cause extensive structural damage to your property if not controlled.
- Reduce Shrubbery – Trimming shrubs around your home serves two functions. It ensures a clearance between the wall and the lawn for easy detection of termite tubes and helps boost airflow.
- Sprinkler Direction – Water from the sprinklers can encourage a termite infestation. Ensure the nozzles are always pointed away from your house. Subterranean termites are attracted to moisture, and the sprinkler may lead them toward your home.
- Keep Crawl Spaces Vapor Free – The crawl space underneath your home may be the ideal to spot termites. You should keep it well ventilated; installing a vapor barrier can also help in regulating moisture.
Ants are the uninvited guest at every party. Provided there is food, ants will be there. Although they are relatively harmless, they can be a nuisance.
- Proper Food Storage – The key to controlling ants is to keep all food out of reach. Seal all your food and ensure the food crumbs are cleaned.
- Take Out the Trash – Ants will look for food anywhere, including the garbage. Take out the trash more often. Also, ensure the trash bin is always covered.
- Seal Entry Points – If you discover ants in your home, follow the trail to the entry point. Seal it and any alternative routes they may use.
When it comes to summer bugs, prevention is the way to go. Hopefully, these tips will help keep your family protected. Maintaining a clean environment will help with most of the bug problems. However, don’t hesitate to seek help from pest control for advanced control and prevention measures.