
Besides the obvious books, pens, and other stationery, what else do you need to buy your kids before going back to school? Before you shop for things you think your teens will like, you need to sit down with them and ask what they need. Girls’ needs are different from those of boys, but they might need some items in common. Below are a few things you need to consider.

A Lunch Bag

A lunch bag can last a little longer than a year, but teens might ask for a new one every school year. When not taken care of as they should, these bags stink, and they may not be impressive. As part of the new gear for the school year, get them a new lunch bag. If you choose a high quality bag, you will not have to buy a new one the following year, but you have to supervise the regular washing of the bag. You can buy the lunch bag when shopping for other items so you can get a discount.

A Planner

Whether they realize they need it or not, a planner comes in handy at helping your kids stay organized in school. This small book allows your child to track their achievements, enhances their responsibility, makes them good communicators, and generally makes them accountable. In the planner, the teen will write their goals, record given assignments, and write anything they need to remember, such as references to the coursework. Instead of bringing them planners, you can go shopping with them so they can pick the cute planners they need.

ID Holder and Lanyard

This is one of the things you might forget, but students need it to ensure the ID is never lost or broken. Schools may provide plastic ID holders, but it is only a matter of time before the ID is all torn everywhere. The student will need the ID to get most services of the school, which is why it is important not to misplace it. Like the planner above, you need to let them choose the ID holder and the lanyard that meets their needs. If you choose to pick one for them, they may not like it much. If you do your school supplies shopping online, you have a better chance of getting the exact holder or lanyard you need as the kids will help you choose.

Clothes and Shoes

Even if your teenage highschooler has a closet full of clothes, it is nice to get them a few extra pieces that will be new at the beginning of school. If you are on a budget, you do not have to buy expensive clothes. There are plenty of options online at bargain prices. You can shop for clothes and shoes when they are less in demand such as a month before the summer break is over. You can also look for discounted prices online. Make sure that your teen has high quality items such as dickies clothing as well. They should have a warm coat, comfortable shorts, and a wide variety of shirts. 

A Durable Backpack

You may not necessarily need a backpack for every school year, which is why it is easier to forget that you need one, and send the kids to school with no backpack. If you get a quality backpack, you may never have to get them another one the entire school period. Even if you do not get a tactical-quality backpack, there are so many polyester or canvas backpacks that will last for years. If your kid’s bag from the last school year is in bad shape, compare bag prices and quality online and get the best one.

Bonus Items

You will not know peace if your teenage girls do not get a skincare kit. Your boys also need a Deo product that matches their skin. If they have special skin conditions, you need to ensure you get them the special products they need to keep their skins smooth.

Even as you get them the essential items, remember the essential skills that your kids need. For starters, talk to them about relationships, time management, organization, communication, respect, and other skills you think they need, not only to survive high school, but also succeed. If there is a summer camp they can attend before joining high school, take them there and see what effect that might have on their behavior.