The sad truth about many people in today’s modern world is they’re spending too much time chasing their career goals and pleasing others that they forget to think about themselves. Stress can often lead to people having burnouts, and that’s not a great thing to happen.
In the United States, one study by Deloitte of 1,000 working professionals found that a shocking 77% of people suffered burnout at some stage in their careers. Plus, continually being a “people pleaser” can harm your mental health as well.
With those statistics and facts in mind, you can lead a more fulfilling life while still being a good person and doing well in your career. Check out these ideas for some personal development inspiration:
Leave some time for R&R in your days
There’s no denying that rest and relaxation (R&R) help you to recharge your mind, body, and soul. The trouble is, most people think they should do that on one or two special occasions each year.
You should instead be allocating some time to yourself every day. You can use the opportunity to meditate, for example, and think about the positive things you have achieved earlier in your day.
Engage in some voluntary charity work
In your spare time, one way you can feel more fulfilled is by helping people that are less fortunate than yourself in life. You might think this is just an example of being a people pleaser. But, the idea is to build several areas of fulfillment in your life.
For instance, one thing you could do is volunteer to help homeless people in your local area. This could be by preparing meals or offering to teach life skills that could help some homeless people gain employment and get their lives on track.
And given the current COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, if you work in the medical industry, you could even assist with providing medical care for the homeless in your area.
You may even wish to do something on a national level, such as being a healthcare for the homeless advocate. Take a look at this interesting article from Cynthia Telles on the subject.
Start a gratitude diary
Have you ever stopped to think about the things you are grateful for each day? It’s likely the answer is no, especially if you lead a busy lifestyle. In a nutshell, your gratitude diary should keep track of the good things in your life.
When you have (and maintain) such a diary, you’ll start each day on a positive note. Also, you’ll counterbalance the negativity in your life, and can be helpful if you suffer from depression or anxiety.
Walk away from situations that make your blood boil
Last but not least, if you find yourself in a situation that begins to make you angry, simply walk away from it. For example, let’s say you get an email from your boss or a work colleague that makes you want to chuck your swear jar in their face.
Come back to the email later and think about what you can do to solve the problems your boss or coworker is having. You may not have realized it at the time, but they could be stressed out over something else and channeled that stress in their email.