When it comes to designing a logo, as much as you need to love it, you need to make sure that it translates to the consumer too. And, on face value, it might sound easy, but it can be a tricky task to find something that works and is unique.
It needs to stand out, match your business, and look professional. It should be something that you are proud to submit a trademark application for.
So here are a few tips to help you on your way to creating a logo that is going to work in the long run.
There are some logos that look like the thing that the brand makes. And it might sound cheesy, to have a dog face in a FIDO brand, but it works. These are great because people find them easy to remember, and the overall branding makes sense to the name of the product and brand.
Another reason they are fun to use is that consumers like to ‘get’ things. So give them something to get.
Using a template is a great thing to help you kick off your logo making. But you should be aware that logos that follow and specific trends don’t always age well. And then you are looking at needing to rebrand in just a few short years.
While there is a lot to be said when it comes to keeping your brand fresh and trendy, the longevity lies in having something that is classic, timeless and cannot be dated to when the ‘hipster logo trend’ was big business.
Not all fonts are created equal. And while the Cowboy font was cool for a short while, it became the font for every alternative business going. And it was overdone. This is where working with a designer on your own font will pay off big time. Custom fonts will make sure that no matter when your logo was created, it stays interesting and unique. And there are a lot of people who fall in love with interesting logos.
Think about what makes your favourite font unique, is it the weight, the spacing, the specific scroll and twists? Whatever it is, think about how you can incorporate that into your logo – without the outright theft of a genius font.
Space Smart
Think about how many times you have seen the FedEx logo. Probably hundreds of times and more. Their use of negative space is truly a delight. Take a look for yourself.
What do you see? Nestled carefully in the space between the E and the X is an arrow. This is an understated and beautiful use of negative space. In fact, it is so subtle that most people don’t even see it.
And the very last thing that you need to consider is that your logo is straight-talking. Apple has a byte out of it, Nike have a Swoosh, and Twitter is a bird. All are leaning into what it is that they do and deliver. Take note, get smart, get simple and play with space and fonts.