Snow may look wonderful and soft, but too much of it can equal disastrous consequences for a home that isn’t prepared. Ice can so easily mix with grit and debris, causing a slush that will block drains and driveways. Following the standard precautions isn’t enough these days as our lives have changed. It’s getting tougher to call into work telling them you can’t make it in because of winter weather conditions. Cars are working much better in freezing temperatures than at any other time in history. If your home cannot supplement the benefits of this, what’s the point of having a state of the art car? Creating a few guardians that protect your home from winter, will combat any challenges thrown in your direction.
Shielding your cars
Do you only have room for a driveway and are unable to build a garage? Don’t fret, you have plenty of other options to shield your car from being snowed in. A frame metal carports are one of the most cost-effective options. The metal frame is sturdy so it can withstand wintery gusts. it’s also quite light and strong, able to support its own weight in water or snowfall. The Boxed Eave design is very popular because it provides more than enough room for two cars, parked side by side. The styling will go well with most homes as the roof panels are in a neutral quaker gray. A white trim follows the edges of the roof, making the structure look sleek and low. You still have full access to your car around the sides as there are no walls or doors to gain entry.
Preparing for flooding
Whenever there’s a lot of snowfall, don’t get too mesmerized by the beauty of the white landscape. All that snow will melt eventually, creating the potential for floods. You should be storing sandbags in your garage or home. These will be useful for placing in front of your doors should there be a flood warning announced. Coating your basement in plastic tarps would be great to protect all your belongings from severe water damage. Make sure your sump pump is clear of debris so it doesn’t lose pressure if you need to use it to pump water out of your basement. Keep the pedestrian pump covered so it doesn’t get damaged by the icy conditions or floor water.
Guarding the gutters
When the snow on your roof begins to melt, it will take leaves and grit that has been blown onto the surface, with it into the gutters. Installing gutter guards is a cheap and efficient way of preventing your gutters from getting blocked. Once the debris is allowed to dry, it creates a hard mulch that needs to be manually scooped out to allow the water to flow down again. Metal or plastic gutter guards are the most popular as metal tends not to contract and bend as much under pressure but plastic is cheaper.
The value of protecting your car from being snowed in cannot be underestimated. Preventing your gutters from being blocked will give the melting snow an orderly exit off your roof.