We all want to feel safe and comfortable in the neighborhoods that we live in. We want to feel safe to go on a late-night stroll, an early morning jog, or feel comfortable enough to let our children go down the street to play with their friends. But having a safe and great neighborhood is a dream of the past and won’t happen unless the people who live in it pitch in and help create the kind of neighborhood everyone dreams of.
If your neighborhood doesn’t have a neighborhood watch program or it isn’t as active as it used to be, here’s a few steps below for everything you’re going to need in order to start your own neighborhood watch with your friends and neighbors.
Recruit as many people as possible
If you’re going to get started on reactivating the neighborhood watch or creating your own, the best starting point is to talk to your fellow neighbors about starting or reactivating the group.
Learn the law
When it comes to a neighborhood watch it’s effective that you work with the law, but know it as well. So reach out to both your local law enforcement and a criminal defense attorney, schedule a meeting with them so they can sit down with members of your neighborhood watch group so they can answer any questions or concerns that pop up.
Create an action plan
If you aren’t able to confer with law enforcement or a criminal defense attorney, speak to your community and local neighbors, listen to their concerns and come up with an action plan that addresses everything. Create a plan on how to work towards lessening the topmost concerns that your neighbors have.
Create a plan of communication
When it comes to your neighborhood watch everyone must have an easy and preferred way of communicating with one another. you have to decide collectively as a group whether biweekly meetings or communicating through social media is an effective way to communicate with everyone in the neighborhood.
Hold meetings and events
Hold meetings on a weekly or biweekly basis or even events where members of the neighborhood watch can have a space to talk about progress towards working through community issues, concerns, or news.
When it comes to a neighborhood watch the steps above can help make your community safer while allowing your community to come together in a cohesive way.