Personal finances can be one of the biggest causes of stress we have to deal with. Whatever we’re doing, the thought of money often isn’t far away and sometimes it feels like it’s taking over your life. Whilst there are lots of great pieces on how to save and cut back, another option to consider might be to up your incomings. Just earning a little extra every month can take the weight off and free you up to focus on more important parts of your life. Below, you’ll find some ideas for making a little bit of additional cash.
Part-time Work
Probably most people’s first thought when it comes to making some extra money, a part-time job can be a great way to boost your earnings. Of course, if you already feel like your current job is taking you away from precious time at home, this might not be the right choice for you. But if there’s some extra hours in the week that you can spare, this is definitely worth looking into.
There are bars, shops, cafes and restaurants, all of which will need staff on a part-time basis. Try looking at places where employees fall into your demographic already – they are likely to be the most understanding of any other commitments you have. You never know, you might make new friends and the social interactions could improve your day-to-day life.
Get Crafty
If you have a hidden talent, you can turn to the Internet to support your artistic side financially. Sites like Ebay and Etsy are perfect for setting up online shops and cater to those working on a part-time and freelance basis. You might discover that you have a secret talent for something, and that this can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling part of your life. Start small and don’t overwhelm yourself initially and do your research in terms of the best ways to establish yourself amongst your competitors.
Don’t Overlook Money Owed
So many of us are guilty of this one and there’s huge pots of money that we could very well be missing out on just for not picking up the phone. Whether it’s PPI or you’re looking for the Best Personal Injury Attorney, do some research to see if you could be owed money for something you were misssold or an accident you had in the past. You could very well find that, once you’ve sought some professional guidance, it’s worth making a claim.
Ask for That Raise
Never an easy thing to do, but you should value the work you do and the contribution you make to the team or role you have. Organize a meeting with your manager, particularly if you have just taken on additional responsibilities or your role has changed from what it once was. Do your research before the meeting and ensure you know what other, similar positions are paid so you have facts to support your argument.
There’s no downside to saving money and getting good deals, but if you want to up your earnings then get thinking about ways in which you can boost your income for 2020.