Business partnerships and investments are an incredibly powerful thing for any company. When you have convinced someone to part ways with their money and invest in your business, that’s a stamp of approval. When you’ve been chosen by another business that has surveyed the landscape beforehand, that’s a sign of confidence. This hasn’t happened by accident, everybody involved worked hard to achieve this. So, when you do have clients walking into your offices, how should you greet them? Or better yet, what should they be met by? Firstly, you need to realize that even though they have partnered with you, you’re still being watched closely. They might be waiting for the other shoe to drop and expect ghouls and goblins to pop out of cabinets and from underneath tables. In other words, perhaps you’re too good to be true. So don’t give them the chance to feed their doubts.
Read at your leisure
When a client comes into your offices for the first time, they must be met with a bespoke service. They arrive at the reception area and they should not have to introduce themselves. Somebody should already be waiting for them with a cup of coffee and ask them if they would like a snack. After the introductions are made, your representative should hand your client a brochure. This brochure will let them know pretty much everything about your business. If you’re new to this, talk to professional printing services that have their own in-house designers to make you a stylishly sleek and smooth-flowing brochure. You can print many copies for the next time you’re going to be hitting the trade show floor, looking for more clients. Allow the client to drink their coffee and read, before heading into the offices.
Where it all happens
It must be noted that a tour of the offices is a customary thing to do for new clients. It’s a huge part of business culture and proper etiquette. You’re showing tremendous respect to a client, when you bring them back into the offices and allow them to see, where it all happens. They should be lead by your representative, who should show them each department and what it is they do. This inevitably means your chosen employee to be the guide for your client, has to be well-rehearsed and fluidly articulate many different details of what goes on in the offices. Allow your client to see what people are working on and even ask employees questions. Keep anything secret, away from their sight to maintain good internal discipline.
An official welcome
Before the client steps into your office to talk about your recent deal and partnership into the future, give them an official welcome. Stop work in the office for a minute and introduce the client to all your employees. Tell them who they are and what your relationship hopes to achieve, as well as how it will affect them.
Welcoming clients to your offices is a big step in any partnership. It’s when things become ‘official’ as being able to walk in the professional workspace is a privilege not many outsiders should receive.