Your business is nothing without its employees.
If they aren’t happy, you won’t be happy, as you will see a drop in staff productivity, and consequently, your profits.
You need to care for your employee’s needs and welfare, so with this in mind, we have imagined just a few of the things that we think your employees would want you to know.
Could any of the following relate to the people in your employ? Have you been confronted with any of the following already? Consider your business and your employees as you read on.
#1: “We want to feel appreciated”
Yes, you pay your employees a wage each month, and you might even have the facilities to offer them a pension. However, to get the best from your employees, it’s important to show them your appreciation.
You can do this simply with a verbal thank you for the hard work they have put in to grow your company. You might show your appreciation with the occasional gift too, perhaps with a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates, or even something branded to double-up as a marketing tool. Check out DynamicGift’s homepage, for example.
And there are other things you can do. So, you might include a mention of your employees by name in your press releases. You could ask them to share their ideas and innovations on stage at any business events you run. And you might reward them with the occasional cash bonus, a day away from work, or with a staff retreat at a place you know they will enjoy.
By showing your employee’s some appreciation, you will improve their morale. And as we suggested at the beginning, you will then see a rise in their productivity.
#2: “We are only human”
Being human, your employee’s aren’t perfect. Think about that the next time you consider berating them for mistakes made, or when they display weaknesses within your business. In some cases, you can rectify any issues with your employees through training, mentorship, and a change to their responsibilities. By taking these steps, you will get the best from your employees, and overcome any imperfections.
And with the reminder that your employees are only human, think about the pressures you impose upon them. Do you give them more work than they can handle? Do you make them work overtime on a too-regular basis? Do you limit the number of break times they have during the day? Your employees are not mindless worker drones. They don’t have the capacity to operate like a Duracell-batteried bunny. Eventually, they will tire and weaken, and this can lead to low productivity, low morale, and even sickness. Therefore, give your employees a figurative and literal break and treat them better if you’re guilty of giving them too much to do. You will get the best from them if you do, with fewer mistakes made due to tiredness.
#3: “We want to feel safe”
Why should employees feel unsafe in your workplace?
Well, think of this in a number of ways.
Firstly, are there any health and safety issues? If there are faults within your premises or technologies, your employees are risking life and limb every time they come into work. You need to make the appropriate risk-assessments and repairs in your business.
Secondly, are your employees qualified to take on risky tasks? Sitting at a desk is relatively straightforward, but if you are asking your employees to operate machinery that they aren’t used to, or if you are asking them to work on projects that pose certain health risks, then you are putting them in danger. Your employees need to be fully trained to manage those tasks where safety risks are prevalent, so take this under consideration.
And finally, have there been any instances of bullying with your business? If any of your employees have fallen prey to a workplace bully, you need to take action. Your employees shouldn’t have to deal with abuse of any kind, and as the leader in charge, you need to deal with those responsible. Failure to do so could lead to a compensation claim against you (as is the case with the other points we have made here), and you might lose your employees as a consequence.
So, do whatever you need to do to ensure your employees feel safe. Both they and your business will suffer if you don’t.
Today, take the time to pay attention to your employees. It might be that they have been trying to tell you those things that we have highlighted in this article, so listen to what they have to say. Send out feedback forms too, as some of your employees might feel more comfortable letting you know their concerns on the page rather than telling you verbally.
You will increase employee loyalty and productivity if you manage their needs, so don’t neglect them. They will benefit, and so will your business.