Exercising can be tough to fit into your everyday schedule, especially if you’re working full-time, it can be almost impossible if you have a kid(s) as well. Your fitness regimen is probably the first thing to be eliminated from your daily routine when your schedule begins to get hectic as a parent. By following these tips, you will see a dramatic improvement in your overall health and wellness without having to sacrifice time with your family.
Set a Routine
All moms are aware of the importance of having a set routine in the household. This same approach should be applied to your workout. Fitting in an hour each day for exercise will help create the habit and soon you won’t be able to go 24 hours without some sort of physical activity. Incorporating your significant other and even your kids into your workout can also make things easier. Going for runs as a family or playing games outdoors will allow you to fit in a workout routine without making it feel like a chore.. ‘Consistency’ is the magic word to remember with working out, as well as when it comes to managing a hectic household.
Getting Your 8 Hours Is Important
Sleeping 8 hours each night may seem like an impossible task when you are a mother, especially when you have a newborn. But the long-term effects of not getting enough sleep can seriously impact your mental health and stamina. Fatigue, higher stress levels, and weight gain are just a few symptoms of sleep deprivation. By getting into bed 15 minutes earlier each night for a week, you can wean yourself away from those late nights and start developing a sleep routine. Additionally, turning all electronics off once you’re in bed to limit screen time can help you fall asleep faster.
Change Your Diet
Many will say that simply by working out you can stay fit and thin, but this isn’t entirely the case. These workouts must be supplemented by a healthy diet as well. Eating fruits and vegetables is super important to include in your daily diet. If you begin exercising each day, you will begin to become hungry more often, so it is crucial to give the body the nutrients it requires. Cut back on carbs, sugars and starches as much as possible. The best way to stay on track with your diet is to plan meals ahead of time so you can eat easily and quickly when you’re running on a hectic schedule..
Take Care of Your Skin
Always be sure to wash your face and shower immediately after your workout. Regardless of whether you are leaving the gym, spin class, or simply breaking a sweat, it’s important to clean out your pores. Leaving dirt, oils, and sweat on the surface of your skin for hours after a workout can wreak havoc on your skin. Here’s a tip: bring cleansing facial wipes with you when you are planning to exercise. You can leave them in your car so they are easily accessible or throw them in your gym bag. If you workout at home, use a makeup remover in addition to a gentle cleanser. It’s a good idea to stay away from cleansers that contain sodium, as these products can dry your skin out. Try an anti-bacterial cleanser, or a gentle skin care product that contains lavender or citrus. Acne and blackheads are avoidable through proper hygiene and post-workout skin care.
Start Your Day Earlier
Waking up before your kids can give you some “me time” to kick-start your morning. Being an early riser will give you more time in your day, and will get your body up and moving, resulting in higher productivity and energy levels. Early morning exercise means fewer distractions and more focused workouts. Additionally, those who wake up before dawn have been shown to fall asleep faster, with better quality sleep throughout the night as well.
Being a busy mom shouldn’t be an excuse for not getting the exercise your body needs. Although parents can neglect their overall health and wellness when they have one or more children to care for, you can be the exception. Be the most empowered mom you can be by taking care of yourself first so that you’re able to take care of your kids. . Set goals for yourself and stick to a regiment to stay on track. Stay active and get your family involved in this healthy lifestyle as well. A family that works out together, stays together!