Moving to a new location can be a crazy time as you try to coordinate all the dozens of small details required to make that move successful. The best way to help ensure you don’t miss a single detail is to plan, then continue to plan, then plan some more. While it may seem like overkill, overlooking major details for your moving day can lead to big headaches and major delays. Here are a few preparations that may cause your friends to raise their eyebrows but are so worth it in the end.
Mark All Sides of Your Boxes
It can be easy to assume that you’ll remember exactly what you put in each box if you’re the one doing the packing. That assumption is quickly demolished, however, once all your belongings are actually loaded onto the moving truck. That’s why it’s so important to mark each and every box with their exact location in your new home. The key here is to mark the top, bottom, and each side with the location so that no matter how it becomes oriented in the truck, it’s easy to tell where the box needs to go.
Set a Schedule
Creating a schedule for the days and weeks leading up to your move might seem like overkill. However, a schedule ensures that you’re completing all the tasks that need to be done in a timeframe that’s not too stressful. In the same way that being a last minute mover would likely cause you to forget some important details, trying to do all your moving preparation in one or two days, even if it’s not the one or two days before the move, will lead to unnecessary stress and a lower-quality effort. So, write out a detailed schedule so you can be sure to get things done on time. If you want to be extra prepared, write out some contingency plans like last minute movers you can call or where you can stay if your new place isn’t ready yet for some reason.
Load the Day before Moving Day
If you’re only completing a cross-town move, it might seem like loading the truck, transporting your belongings, and unloading them in one day would be a doable task. However, even with exceptional planning, there are always unexpected delays when trying to clear out your entire house and load it onto a truck. To prevent hang-ups on moving day, then, it’s best to set aside an entire day just to load the truck so you can focus on moving and unloading on the following day. You may even consider staying in a hotel between the two days so you can load every last belonging onto the truck.
Even if you’re not able to prepare for your move as much as you want to, the best thing you can do for yourself is to step back and relax when it feels overwhelming. Ultimately, everything that needs to be accomplished will get done, even if it takes longer than you’d like. So, do your best to take everything in stride, and before you know it, you’ll be all settled into your new home.