“Healthy living” is easier said than done. Time after time, we receive advice from friends or acquaintances to eat healthier or to do more exercise. That often sounds stressful, but all you need are simple methods to make it a bit easier for you to exchange old habits for healthier ones
The first step to creating a healthy lifestyle is to ask yourself what do healthy people or people who pay much attention to their health do differently? Of course, many things are not recognizable at first glance, so these tips will help you to make your everyday life healthier in the long term; with only minor changes, your body, mind, and soul will thank you, and with a healthier lifestyle you will feel fitter, and more balanced.
The Right Nutrition Is Key
Nothing is more important for living healthy than having a healthy diet with good nutrition. A balanced diet is a foundation for a healthy life. Opt for food that is as fresh as possible, cook your own and use vegetables and fruits several times a day. These contain plenty of vitamins and minerals and are also low in calories. Low-fat dairy and whole-grain foods should also be served daily.
On the other hand, sweets, fast food or salty snacks and ready meals you should rather avoid; they contain little vitamins and minerals, but plenty of fat and sugar which your body does not need. Canned soup, fast food or packed – all these foods should come out of your storage cupboards. They are industrially treated, often mixed with chemical substances. Rather opt for fresh products that provide pure energy and valuable nutrients. Because you are what you eat!
Another important thing to remember is that when eating in front of the TV or the computer, we mostly do not realize what and how much we eat. We are so distracted that we quickly forget what we are eating. By doing this, the food will not be adequately chewed or digested. So, it is better to sit at the table and eat in peace; this you will not only notice in time when you are full but also make your stomach and intestines work easier.
What To Drink and What Not To
Water yes, alcohol no. To live as healthy as you can, you should stick to this simple tip. Water is important as it provides the body with plenty of fluids, gives you energy and is calorie-free. Juices, sodas, coffee or alcohol should only be consumed rarely and in small quantities.
Herbal teas such as green tea contain tannins that soothe the gastrointestinal tract. It also regulates blood pressure and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. At the same time, its high vitamin and mineral content and its phytochemicals make it very valuable to us. These so-called flavonoids bind free radicals, protect against cancer and strengthen the immune system.
Have A Detox
Detox diets are currently experiencing an unprecedented trend, and it seems there are endless programs on the subject. With the number of toxins we consume daily, a detox is not only beneficial but necessary! However, it is advisable to stay away from detox concepts that involve extreme fasting of liquids or foods. These diets usually do far more damage than they have a positive impact. Below are some benefits to be gained when detoxing is carried out effectively.
Elimination of toxins from food, beverages, drugs and hygiene products: In contrast to the many toxins we are exposed to each day, and over which we have little or no control (such as poisons in the air that we breathe), toxins found in food and drink are much more controllable. However, if you’re trying to detox for toxins caused by a drug addiction, it may be better to visit a rehab center. Read for more info.
Many health professionals agree that toxic strain is responsible for a significant number of diseases in modern society. Buying organic products (fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish) can significantly reduce the number of toxins you consume on a daily basis.
More energy for the whole day: Although detox diets can lead to increased fatigue, especially in those who have previously had high levels of toxins, many people report improved well-being and more sustained energy during and especially after detoxification.
A big part of any good detox should be the adequate supply of clean water. For example, one study shows that even mild dehydration (a fluid loss of less than 3%) can cause a headache, anxiety, mood swings, and decreased cognitive performance.
Stress management: Some studies have shown a link between high cortisol levels and fatty liver disease. Cortisol is our most crucial stress hormone released in times of acute and chronic stress. If the levels remain higher than usual over a longer period, this can lead to a variety of problems, including decreased liver function. At the hormonal level, detoxification helps to regulate cortisol in the body and to keep the stress level chemically low.
In summary, it can be said that detoxification brings significant health benefits. Increased energy, reduced cravings, and lowered stress levels are just a few of the many changes that improve their overall well-being and quality of life as a whole. And remember, with any diet or detox, it is important that you are ready to make positive and long-term changes!
Regular Exercise
Everyone knows that exercise is essential. Pretty much every form of movement ensures that the heart is challenged more, that it has to do more. Regular exercise strengthens and strengthens the heart muscles. And a trained heart can pump more blood into the body with each stroke, work more efficiently, and improve blood circulation.
Although exercise is very beneficial, it is important not to overcharge your body. Start with a smaller training amount and increase in small steps every day. This will allow your body to get used to the increased load and you will notice faster results. It’s also good for your motivation because it’s a lot higher if you see a little improvement every day.
In order not to overstrain your body, you should also take regular rest breaks. For example, if you walk, you should have a rest day about every fourth day. It would be better to spend just half an hour or hour doing sports a few days a week than to spend too much time practicing for hours in a day.
With this sort of routine, your body can regulate the energy balance better. In particular, do exercise that requires muscle, you should also pay attention to the strain. Be sure to not overwork and overstrain, as this will put you out of action and you will be back to square one.
It is also especially healthy to do sports in the fresh air. So not only do you move, but your lungs breathe healthy, fresh air at the same time. So unpack your running shoes and go for a walk today.
Sleep As Much As You Can
The importance of sleeping cannot be emphasized enough! When we sleep, our organism performs at its best. Because it regenerates the entire body – but only if we sleep deeply and firmly. The immune system is strengthened, hormones stimulate cell growth and memory stores what we have learned the day before – all this happens while you sleep. Therefore, the quality of the sleep you get is important so that the body can recover and regenerate.
If it’s time for bed, but you cannot sleep, it could be caused by eating too late, or exercising too late; if that’s the case, you will need to spend some time relaxing while sitting upwards before laying down. Otherwise, your digestion or cortisol keeps us awake. That’s why you should not eat for at least two hours before bedtime – for a quiet and restful night.
Just Relax
People who are relaxed tend to have a more positive attitude toward life and usually have better mental coping strategies. They exert less stress and thus spare their defenses.
Relaxing simply means dissolving physical and mental tension; only the release of muscle tension leads to the relaxation of our bodies. You may have already observed competitive athletes, who strive to be very relaxed before their competition, tend to do concentration exercises, massage their muscles or use certain techniques to remove as much tension as possible from their body. They want to be free and as relaxed as possible in the body and mind.
If you want to start practicing relaxation techniques to reduce any physical and mental tension start with yoga or meditation. These can assist with a number of symptoms, be it in stress management, emotion regulation, strengthening the cardiovascular system, pain management or to improve our concentration and memory. When practicing these, it is important to be aware that consequently, relaxation cannot be forced, but only felt and experienced. It does not happen casually or accidentally. So just try and relax and think of happy things when relaxing.