With the prospect of your teen behind the wheel, it can be both an exciting and anxious time. Some parents are hesitant to put their child on the road. But it is part of life. The duty of the parent is to ensure that she does her due diligence to ensure that her teen has the perfect car.
High Crash Score Ratings
Most crashes occur as a result of distracted driving. Teenagers in particular can easily become distracted. It would be ideal for your teen’s car to have the mechanisms in place to protect her in the event of an accident. Check the crash ratings before making a purchase.
Similarly, you might want to consider vehicles with driving assistance mechanisms. Some newer models come equipped with brake assist, blind spot monitoring, rearview cameras, and a few other features that can prevent a crash. These features might even encourage your teenager to pay attention to the road.
A Used Model
Parents typically do not think that their teens need a brand new vehicle, and that is probably right. But that is not to say that you should get something too old. If you go more than a few years old, it will not have the necessary safety features. Most models after 2013 will likely be up to date and not too expensive. Browse a few models on Young Automotive Group to get an idea of what you would like.
Responsive Infotainment System
As indicated, teens are easily distracted behind the wheel, usually when they are trying to entertain themselves. They might be searching through the music playlist on their phone or responding to a text. An infotainment system can diminish the distraction. If you find one that can be connected with the smartphone, it might read texts out loud and allow your teen to respond verbally to the messages. It will also simplify the process of looking for music.
Teenagers want a vehicle to drive their friends around. On weekends, the car might be packed with kids as they are on their way to that slumber party. Consequently, your teen’s vehicle should have plenty of seating to fit her friends. There should also be enough headroom and legroom to accommodate taller friends.
Teen Driving Technology
Some models have monitoring technology that will allow parents to assess their teen’s driving habits. It will tell them how fast she went, what safety features were activated, and much more. While not a necessity, that will be a feature to help your teen to develop safer habits.
Safety, comfort, convenience, and affordability are the main concerns when choosing a vehicle for your teen. Look through some of the used models and find one that exhibits these features. Overall, be enthusiastic and excited that your teen is becoming an adult.