I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Weleda. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation. 

Chloe and I have been testing out Weleda’s Calendula Diaper Rash cream for the last couple of weeks. I’ve got to say, this stuff is excellent for both protecting and relieving and kind of rash – you know, especially that “baby is one and ate too much spaghetti” rash that tends to really get those fesses red. We were really pleased with how quickly it works to relieve redness and how well it prevents diaper rashes when applied at every diaper change. I especially like to apply Weleda just before I tuck that little cutie in for the night as lucky for all of us, she sleeps all night long, but sometimes nighttime means an extra full diaper in the morning! Babies are tough work! I’m all for anything that makes both our lives a little more comfortable – a dry, smooth baby bum makes for a happy baby and a happy me! 

About Weleda Calendula Diaper Rash Cream

Admittedly, I’d never really heard of Weleda before being introduced to the diaper rash cream through this campaign. I was surprised to learn that the brand has been in business since 1921 and regretful that I hadn’t learned about it long before now – you know, like 17 years ago when my first child was born. I can not believe he’s turning 17 in 9 days!!  Um, and helloooo this baby just turned ONE this month! What?!  Time flies and great products like this helps us to make the most of those quick moments without nearly as many tears!! 

Not only is Weleda a long-time and well-trusted company, the  Calendula Diaper Rash Cream, which not surprisingly happens to be Weleda’s best-selling baby product, is a winner of the Parent Tested Parent Approved award. I mean, it’s definitely Nonna tested, Nonna and baby approved in our house, but you don’t have to just take our word for it! PTPA seal of approval and all!   

weleda diaper rash cream

Parents love that Weleda’s Calendula Diaper Rash cream features the organic, anti-inflammatory calendula extract, from flowers grown in Weleda’s own Biodynamic gardens. There’s no weird smell to this diaper rash cream and the calendula is an added benefit because it helps soothe redness and inflammation. Additionally, Weleda Calendula Diaper Rash Cream also includes fair trade beeswax that provides a breathable layer of protection to your baby’s bottom.

This is really great stuff!! But wait, it gets better!! Weleda’s Calendula Diaper Rash Cream was formulated in collaboration with German midwives who have given great insight into what babies need and, Weleda’s baby care line doesn’t contain any chemical fragrances or preservatives making these products a safe and natural way to treat irritation or diaper rash. Definitely a huge win – there’s nothing worse than spreading who knows what kind of chemicals on your baby hoping they work. In this case, I trust Weleda 100%! I take comfort knowing that Weleda products are safe for newborns on up and, if you use cloth diapers this diaper rash cream is safe for use with those as well! 

Why does it matter that this diaper rash cream contains natural, organic ingredients? Here’s a great point to remember: A baby’s skin is five times thinner than an adult’s, making it especially sensitive to irritations and environmental influences, so it needs to be treated gently. I don’t know about you, but I want only the best for Chloe and in the case of diaper rash cream, we’ve found it in Weleda Calendula Diaper Rash Cream! 

Connect Wih Weleda:
Weleda Website:
Hashtag: #WeledaBabyLove

You can also order Weleda Calendula Diaper Rash Cream from Amazon here

weleda calendula

Weleda Prize Pack Giveaway

I’m so excited to be sharing this giveaway opportunity with you! Enter below to win one of 15 Weleda prize pack (each valued at $70) by choosing a social media sharing option from the social media amplification tool. The contest closes Friday, April 8, 2016.

*I-C will randomly select 15 winners from all program entries and will handle fulfillment of the winning prizes.

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