An Improperly Secured Front Door
Many crooks will enter their victims’ houses by simply walking through the front door. If a door does not have a secure lock system, it can be easy for a burglar to get inside. Purchase some deadbolt locks. They will stubbornly resist any attempt at infiltration. Crooks won’t be able to get inside and will be left out in the cold. It is also important to have your porch light on every night. Burglars prefer to work in the shadows, so a well-illuminated entry is likely to keep them away. Of course, any other exterior doors should be securely locked as well.
No Alarm System
If you don’t have a home security system, you should invest in one as soon as possible. Security systems can instantly alert you if an area is breached, setting off loud alarms that will scare any crooks away. Some of them also contain motion sensors and hidden surveillance cameras. The NorthStar alarm company uses cutting edge technology to keep your home secure. Most security systems have a sign or banner that you can put in the front yard warning any potential burglars that your home has been secured.
Improperly Secured Windows
If burglars can’t get through the front door, they will likely try your windows next. Make sure to get dependable sash locks on all windows, especially at the ground level. Also, make sure that you have a security system that can detect when a window has been broken.
Poor Lighting
As mentioned before, burglars like stay hidden in the shadows. The last thing that they want to do is draw attention, so a poorly lit house is an attractive target. Make sure your house has a significant amount of both interior and exterior lighting. All exterior lights should be on during the evening hours.
Your Home Is In An Isolated Area
If your home is next to a park or other unoccupied area, it is more likely to be targeted by burglars. A secluded home makes it less likely there will be witnesses. However, if you have an effective security system and follow other security precautions, then your home will be unattractive to crooks even if you live in a sparsely populated area.
Family Members That Are Lazy About Security
Burglars will take advantage of any slip up. They prey on homeowner’s mistakes. Sometimes, homeowners will carelessly leave doors and windows unlocked or even wide open. If your family has been complacent about the possibility of being burglarized, you are far more likely to become a victim. Each member of the family, including kids, should know that it is necessary to practice simple security precautions. Doors and windows should never be left open at night or when the home is unoccupied. Each family member should know the password for the home security system.
If any of these signs or problems are issues for your home, do not hesitate to act. You never know when crooks could decide to target your home. Although it takes time, money, and effort to protect your house, it will be far less expensive and stressful than dealing with the aftermath of a burglary. Securing your home will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your family and your prized possessions are safe.