successful boating trip

successful boating trip

Having a boating trip every once in a while can be a great adventure. Not only is it a good opportunity to spend some quality time with your friends and family, but it is also very fun, and you can get more in touch with the nature around you. However, it is always important to remember to take all the things you need to have a successful trip with you. Otherwise, things could get boring, very annoying, or even dangerous. Along with a marine charter, it is also a good idea to have boat insurance and to bring along a fish finder, a marine radio, a boat top and a spare motor.

Marine Chart Plotter with a GPS

It is common knowledge that you should always know exactly where you are when you are out in the waters. Needless to say, maps and compasses are essential for a boating trip. However, a marine chart plotter is even better, as it has all of that, plus a global positioning scanner.

Fish Finder

This is one of my favorite outdoor tricks! Fish finders really do make your outings a lot more interesting. Not only can you measure the depth of the waters below you, but you can check their temperatures, as well. Finally, as the name suggests, the machines allow you to find any fish that are swimming around or near your boat.

Marine Radio

Since boating trips can potentially be dangerous, a marine radio is absolutely necessary. With it, you can make individual calls, send out distress signals and access weather alerts.

Boat Top
Especially during long trips, it is very important to have at least some protection from the elements. Since boat tops are cheap, they are a worthy investment, and they can protect you from the scorching sun and from the rain if it happens to storm while you are out.

Spare Motor

Believe it or not, one of the most common malfunctions on motor boats have to do with the motor. Because of this, it is always a good idea to bring along a spare motor, just in case. That way, you do not get stranded if yours fails.


Although owning and using a boat can be fun, it is especially important that you have insurance. According to SkiSafe, you would have to be far more careful, and even a minor accident could cost you dearly in fees.5 Things Every Family Needs for a Successful Boating Trip
Boat trips out to your local lake can be amazing, but only if you remember to bring all of the right equipment. In order to make the most of your outing, keep in mind to take a marine charter, a spare motor, a marine radio, a boat top and a fish finder. Lastly, you should have boat insurance, just in case.

6 thoughts on “5 Things Every Family Needs for a Successful Boating Trip

  1. I can think of a few more things you might want to remember on every fishing trip…
    1. Pliers – If you ever get a hook stuck in your hand or arm (it happens) you will be overjoyed that you remembered your pliers to be able to remove the hook 🙂
    2. Rain Gear – You mentioned a boat top, and that would help, but if you ever get caught in the rain you know how cold getting a little wet can make you, even in summer.
    There is more, but those are the 2 most important to me as a fisherman!

  2. Taking a marine charter, a spare radio, and the other items you mentioned are good ways to prepare for potential problems. Insurance is a good tip as well.

  3. Looks like your family had a great time on the water! I agree with your list though, having a marine radio and sun protection are absolute musts when going out on the water. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hello Erica,

    My friends planning a boating trip but have no idea about the preparations about boating and we found your post as a life savior because all these factors really we don’t know. After reading your post I will share this information with my friends and they will be happy and now all set about our boating experience. We hope we have a great experience.

    Thanks for the informative post
    Keep sharing!!!

    Warm Regards,
    David M. Jackson.

  5. Hi Erica Buteau , Thanks for sharing your nice memory.

    Can you share full checklist for a successful fishing camping?

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