Fortune Girls
The mission of Fortune Girls is one that I can personally stand behind, “Empowering tween girls to believe in themselves and make a difference in their community and the world.” As the mother of a 12 year old girl, this is something that I try to do every day.
Fortune Girls is all about big girl power! They are focused on empowering girls to let them know and believe that they can do anything! DREAM BIG!! Really BIG! Fortune girls wants young girls to know that there is no one like them because they are each special and unique in their own way. Fortune Girls was created by a tween and her mom, and it was a journey of development!
I, along with Fortune Girls, want to invite and empower tween girls to join them on this exciting journey and invite all their friends.
Empowering Tweens
Fortune girls has a fun, tween oriented interactive website for Tween girls where they can take quizzes and play super fun games like “Diva Toes” and “Karaoke Resort” all featuring the Fortune Girls characters designed by an actua tween girl! Everything is designed to make your Tween feel empowered, brave, happy, good about themselves. I’m thinking that this can be the exact opposite of the emotions that can be curated by tweens on major social networking sites where privacy, bullying and too much exposure can be an issue.
Fortune Girls is a movement! I’m glad to be a part of it – empowering tween girls every day! You can too! Find Fortune Girls at You can also connet with them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube.
The Fortune Girls brand, Co-Created by a tween and her Mom, its characters, its concept, its mission… is about empowering young girls and encouraging them to think about how they can make a difference in the world and in themselves – both large and small. The goal is to create a lifelong recipe for personal success: To believe in yourself and your dreams. Fortune Girls wants to give guidance for life’s bumpy roads, help build self-esteem, encourage our global citizens to have a positive outlook on life, their goals, their achievements, their individuality…but also on the well-being, support and social humanity for the world around them all while having fun!!
Fortune Girls is an evergreen entertainment and digital franchise for tween girls, ages 6 to 12. The brand began with their website and has begun incorporating licensing, music, games, television, publishing, digital games and live events.
What a wonderful program. I’ve actually never heard of Fortune Girls. It’s very important to help tween and even teen girls believe in themselves. There is so much pressure, and so many expectations in this world today. It’s nice to see that there are programs like Fortune Girls out there.
I agree with you 100%!! The more positive we can help them find the better!