
I was approached by the creator of an adorable but serious animated video created with Go!Animate. The anti-bullying video is perfect for preschool kids and since it’s free to watch and supports a message that I feel strongly about I’m happy to help promote it!  I’m also grateful for the introduction to Go!Animate which I’ve quickly learned to love! 

ChildrenPreventBullying, creator of Jesse the Giraffe Anti-Bullying Song is a parent and Early Childhood Consultant who has worked in partnership with parents and teachers of young children for over 20 years. She has developed the video below along with a few other short videos  to help parents, teachers teach young children anti-bullying and anger management foundation skills using songs and practical strategies.

Jesse the Giraffe Anti-Bullying Song

[embedit snippet=”children-prevent-bullying”]

A friend of mine recently shared her boys’ Anti-Bullying video. When I knew I was going to write this post I immediately thought of them and asked her if could share it as well. Can you believe they just graduated from preschool? Enjoy!

Everyone’s Different (Anti-Bullying Video)

[embedit snippet=”kayden”]

Have you seen any great anti-bullying videos? Comment here with the link and I’ll gladly feature it in the post! Maybe you will be inspired by these and go create your own! Please share if you do!!