I was recently given the opportunity to review a pretty neat product, the Juppy “Momentum” Baby Walker. I can’t tell you how much I wish that these were available back when my own children were babies! The concept is just plain great! My kids shared a Jeep Walker. It was cute, and it was Jeep but, it ran over my toes more times than I would like to count. My daughter also didn’t really love it, she was more of a Johnny Jump-up kind of girl. The Juppy seems to mix the design of the Jump-up, the mobility of the walker and the love and support of Mom or Dad without breaking their backs! I have a new go-to gift for upcoming babies in the family, without a doubt!
One thing that I would really like to mention about the Juppy is the fabric and the feel of it. From the pictures I saw before opening my Juppy, I thought that it looked a bit stiff and perhaps uncomfortable for the baby. What I found was that its very soft, felty on the inside and while strong and supportive, it is not at all stiff and rigid. I also loved the color scheme, black and yellow and found the personalization to be well done! The company also assures that its machine washable and easy to clean!
My nephew is just a tad bit too small for his new Juppy so I don’t have pictures of him in action. I’m going to update this post when he’s a little bigger and can really enjoy the Juppy. He’s still just a little peanut but his Juppy is waiting for him!! I have watched quite a few videos of the Juppy in action on YouTube and I’m so excited to see him go in this! I am sure that he will gain the confidence to walk that these other babies have demonstrated!!
You may be wondering, why a Juppy and not a walker? Oh, there are plenty of reasons, but safety is probably top of the list. Traditional baby walkers have been outlawed in a number of places and accidents have been reported over and over. Here are some additional reasons according to Juppy:
- Eliminates your fear of your baby falling on sharp edges.
- Your baby feels secure knowing you are there!
- The safety of The Juppy Baby Walker is unmatched.
- You will immediately recognize how much better you feel about your baby learning to walk.
Still not sure? Watch this video!
The Juppy Momentum Key Features
Color matched state of the art zipper.
Velcro straps that provide added safety and adjustment.
Soft hand grips for parents’ comfort.
Long and adjustable straps that work for even the tallest person.
The Juppy fits in a purse!
No assembly required.
Super easy to use; grandparents love it!
The retail value of The Juppy Momentum is $60.00 but is currently sold for $39.95. For more information, please visit Juppy on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or follow the Juppy Blog.
Want one? Enter below for your chance to win one! One lucky reader will receive their very own Juppy Momentum Walker in their choice of color and may have it personalized with one name! Winner will be notified via email on December 31, 2012.
[contact-form subject=’Juppy Contest Entry’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Color Choice’ type=’select’ required=’1′ options=’Black,Blue,Pink’/][contact-field label=’What name would you like your Juppy personalized with?’ type=’text’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
Disclaimer: I was given my personalized Juppy for my nephew to try for free for the purposes of reviewing this product. Juppy is also providing one lucky reader with their own Juppy at no cost and with no strings attached. You won’t have to review it, but, if you love it as much as I do it wouldn’t hurt to spread the word!
Congratulations to the winner!!! Laura T. Please check your email!!! You have 48 hours to respond or the next person in line will be contacted. Thanks for entering everyone!