I was recently asked to participate in a liquid hand soap study. Soon after agreeing to do so, I received a bottle of liquid hand soap and an automatic dispenser. I placed the bottle into the dispenser and put it near the kitchen sink. This soap is great stuff but the ease in which I can dispense exactly the amount I need just by running my hand beneath the sensor is incredible. The same amount of soap every time means less waste with the kids and never having to touch the dispenser means fewer germs running around the house (and, cold season IS just about here!). I fell in love. Until tonight, that is.
Perhaps the soap and I were on our honeymoon? More likely, I should be more careful about where I put the dispenser in an effort to ensure that Mr. Auto-Soap and I will continue on in our blissful relationship for years to come. As you may have already guessed, I dumped the pot of spaghetti into the strainer in the sink, right BELOW the soap dispenser. When I heard the electronic “I’m going to squirt soap at you” warning, there wasn’t nearly enough time. Soap squirted straight down into the center of two pounds of hot, freshly cooked pasta. Rinse, rinse, rinse…and Repeat. Ladle on some sauce, eat and enjoy plenty of wine! The good news, no soapy after taste!
I can totally see myself doing that. Product testing is good! T got a “free” pair of pumas that way!
That’s awesome! I love Product Testing! A blogger that I follow is testing a Kia complete with free gas cards!!!