; You’ve heard of Clear Eyes, for dry eyes. But, what about tired eyes? Ever since I turned 30, well, okay even before, I’ve had concerns about impending wrinkles, especially around my eyes. My eyes also seem to be the most abused part of my face. They are where I primarily wear my makeup and you can see my smiles without looking at my lips. It’s how you can tell, just by looking at me, whether or not I’ve had enough sleep. The dark circles under my eyes are a dead giveaway. I’m constantly trying out various eye treatments to protect and repair the skin around my eyes. So, when I stumbled across this 18Actives Dynamic Eye Pack I couldn’t believe my, well, eyes! According to the company,
EYE ESSENCE Treats, prevents, diminishes, refreshes and energizes the eye area. Produces a cooling, soothing sensation to ease irritation. Eye essence is a full circle product to keep your eyes looking young and fresh during the day and lets you wake up with brighter, non-puffy appearance. FAUX FILLER PROVIDES a new alternative that is safe, effective, natural, and cost effective. Traditional injectables like Hyaluronic Acid and Collagen need to be re-injected as frequently as every 8 months with a hefty price tag per “refill”. Faux Filler can be used independently or in conjunction with these facial fillers to prolong their effects.
This certainly sounds amazing. And, if it works, I will definitely be a new fan. I’m very excited to have the opportunity to try it for myself and write a product review. Just wanted to let you know what to watch for! Please comment and let me know what you look for in an eye care product.
I need something like that for my eyes. Just like you, my eyes tell everything, and I hate it. Being 32 is not cool
Ahh, yeah. I agree. 32+1.5= No Better lol