If you have been charged with a DUI, you could be worried about whether or not you will be convicted of it. If you are convicted of it, you could be wondering how your life might be affected. Unfortunately, a DUI conviction can actually affect your life in a few ways, such as in the ways listed below.

You’ll Lose Your License

First of all, you should know that in many states, you have to worry about your license being suspended for a certain period of time. You might lose your license for one year due to a first-time DUI conviction, for example. This can make it hard for you to get back and forth to work or to run errands.

You Might Be Put on Probation

Depending on the situation, you could be put on probation for a certain period of time after your DUI conviction. This might mean that you will be required to check in with a probation officer on a regular basis, and you might be subject to random home visits and drug tests. While on probation, you might not be allowed to leave your state without permission, or you could be prohibited from leaving the state at all.

You Could Be Facing Jail Time

Depending on the laws in your state, the number of times you have been arrested for a DUI, the conditions that go along with your DUI arrest, and various other factors, you could be facing jail or even prison time if you are convicted of a DUI.

You Might Have to Hire a Lawyer

If you want to handle your case as well as possible, you will want to hire a DUI lawyer. This will obviously come with a cost, and you’ll need to spend a little time searching to make sure you have hired the right person for the job. However, despite the legal fees, you’re sure to find it to be worth it to hire a good lawyer since this is your best chance at handling your case in the best possible way.

Your Career Could Be Affected

Depending on the type of job that you have, your career could be affected by a DUI record. This might be the case if you drive professionally or if you are required to have a clean criminal record for your job.

Your Insurance Might Go Up

Even if you don’t lose your license, or even if you get your license back after a suspension period, you still have to worry about other issues. For example, you might have to pay higher insurance rates for a few years after your DUI conviction.

As you can see, having a DUI on your record can affect your life in a few ways. If possible, you will probably want to avoid a DUI conviction. If you talk to a good attorney, they can tell you about some of your options.