When you are having difficulties with your teeth, you will of course pay a visit to your dentist. When you do, they may start discussing crowns and veneers as possible treatment options. Though both are similar in some ways, they also have differences among them that may make one a more viable option for your situation. To understand the differences between crowns and veneers and how to know which one you need, here are some things to keep in mind.

Covering the Tooth

One of the biggest differences between crowns and veneers involves how much of your tooth will be covered by each. A veneer will cover only the front of your tooth, meaning most of your tooth will still be intact. However, a crown will cover your entire tooth. If you are experiencing problems with tooth decay, a crown is often what is needed.

Worn and Cracked

When you have a tooth that is very worn, has a significant crack, contains a very large filling, or has undergone a root canal, a crown will probably be recommended since your tooth will either not be intact or have a problem that requires it to have more stabilization. As for veneers, they are usually recommended mostly only for cosmetic purposes, such as small shape corrections for a tooth.

Discolored Teeth

When you have teeth that are discolored, the good news is that both crowns and veneers can be used to solve your problem, since both can be easily color-matched by your dentist to look just like your natural teeth. As to which will be best for you, it will again come down to the condition of your teeth. Remember, veneers are only about one millimeter thick, while crowns are twice as thick.

Cost Can be a Factor

When you need either a veneer or crown, the cost can be a factor. Should you need a veneer, you may want to consider composite veneers. Though they don’t last as long as porcelain veneers, their average price can be as low as $250 per tooth. As for crowns, they are usually more expensive, ranging from $1,000 to perhaps well over $3,000 per tooth. Also, keep in mind that many dental insurance plans do not pay for cosmetic dental procedures, meaning you may be paying most of if not all of the bill yourself.

When you have dental issues, don’t put them off and let them worsen. Instead, visit your dentist and learn whether crowns or veneers are viable options for your teeth.