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If you notice your sleeping pattern has changed, maybe you do not sleep enough or get quality sleep. It might be time to see a sleep specialist. The sleep specialist will run a diagnosis to identify and treat possible sleep disorders. Some people may not take it seriously when they incur difficulties sleeping, but it is nothing to ignore. If you notice any of the following signs, you should get sleep therapy.

Snoring or Gasping for Air While You Sleep

When you sleep, you must get a full night’s rest. Snoring, or straining for air as you sleep, can indicate that your airway is not sufficiently open to allow complete breathing. It also shows that your breathing patterns are likely disrupted while you sleep. It can affect the normal quality of sleep and can lead to poor sleep quality.

Excessive Sleeping

Weekend nappers could have insomnia because they have sleeping problems at work. Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can affect your quality of life. You may be tired during the week, and you may try to get more sleep at night. Unfortunately, you may not get enough rest and wake up tired again on the weekend. Also, it is critical to understand that sleep medications are not always a solution. You can become dependent on medications like Ambien, Lunesta, or Sonata to fall asleep.

Do not attempt self-medication as it may lead to severe complications or harm. You can try tmj treatment in Raleigh NC for professional help concerning sleep complications.

You Have Difficulties Falling Asleep

If you have trouble falling asleep, this may be because of the noise inside your bedroom or because you do not get enough rest. The problem you have falling asleep can affect your quality of life and make it difficult to function. It is essential to try and get a good night’s sleep so that you can perform better during the day. Get professional treatment for insomnia if sleep does not come easily.

Feeling Excessively Tired Despite Getting Some Sleep

You may sleep well at night, but you feel exhausted during the day. Although you sleep for eight hours, you still feel drowsy during the day. You may feel like you need a power nap to get through the afternoon. When this happens, it could mean that your sleep is affected by another condition, like sleep apnea.

If You Cannot Fall Asleep Within a Half-hour of Going To Bed

You may think that you are awake if you cannot fall asleep in thirty minutes. Some people find it difficult to fall asleep in that time frame. When this happens, you may feel frustrated and worry about not falling asleep. These thoughts can also make it difficult to fall asleep. You may try to distract yourself by watching TV or playing computer games, but these activities can distract you for only so long.

You Take Medications To Help You Sleep

If your sleep problems are severe, you may find that medications like Ambien or Lunesta are helpful. These drugs have serious side effects and can be addictive if used for an extended time. They may also make it difficult for you to function when you are not using the medication. You can experience memory blackouts from taking these medications.

If you are taking one medication, and it is not working, you may try a different drug or even more than one drug. You should talk with your doctor about these issues to help determine if there are other options for you to try, including other non-drug therapies for your sleep problems.

Get Help for Sleep Problems

If you have difficulties sleeping, you need professional help to improve your quality of life and work performance. You may feel tired during the day and find it difficult to concentrate, so you must act. Talk to your primary physician first.

There are many sleep disorders, but they fall into several categories. Sleep disorders can be a significant cause of poor quality of life, and sometimes they cause daytime dysfunction. Sleep problems may also affect your performance at work. Many people do not recognize these issues because they have been dealing with them all their lives. An initial interview with a sleep specialist can often help determine if you have a specific sleep problem causing your difficulties sleeping, or it could lead to another sleep disorder.