Of all the senses you have as a human being, sight may be the one you consider to be the most valuable. However, many people tend to take their sight for granted. That is until problems develop that start to interfere with normal vision. If you have been experiencing problems with your vision, it is never a good idea to simply wait around and hope the problem clears up on its own. Instead, you should always consult with an eye doctor as soon as possible. Once you do, you can find out about these common eye problems that may be affecting your vision.


Although cataracts are usually thought of as a vision problem that affects only older individuals, this condition can impact people of almost any age. Resulting from injury or protein deterioration, the result is an eye lens that turns cloudy and milky-white. If untreated, it can result in major vision loss. Fortunately, cataracts can be treated very easily through surgery.

Refractive Errors

Considered one of the most common causes of vision problems, refractive errors take place when light passes through your cornea and eye lens. Whether it’s the shape of your cornea, aging of your eye lens, or the length of your eyeball, the result is being nearsighted, farsighted, or suffering from astigmatism. To correct this, visit an eye care center and get fitted for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Look for a facility that has received positive feedback online. Finding a reputable eye care center will ensure that your eye conditions are properly resolved as efficiently as possible.


When your eyes have a buildup of pressure inside them, it will cause damage to the optic nerve. As the damage progresses, glaucoma will develop and can lead to a permanent loss of vision if not treated as soon as possible. Since there are no early symptoms or pain associated with glaucoma, have your eyes examined yearly to detect any changes in intraocular pressure.


If you are past age 50 and start to see spots in front of your eyes, this may mean you are seeing floaters. These tiny specks, composed of protein that drifts around in your eye’s vitreous, can be annoying but usually do not completely block your vision. However, they can be signs of more serious eye issues, such as a detached retina. Therefore, if you start to see a large number of floaters or find they are accompanied by flashes of light, make an appointment with your eye doctor immediately.

While it is unnerving to have a problem that affects your vision, the good news is the conditions mentioned here can all be treated successfully if detected early. Thus, make and keep those regular appointments with your eye doctor.