Making well thought out exterior home design upgrades will significantly improve your home’s curb appeal. Upgrading your home’s exterior design is essential as it increases the salability of your house when you put it on the market or, at the very least, give you the daily pleasure of returning home from a long day of work. Whether your house has a traditional or modern design, you can make both simpler and bigger upgrades- from giving it a fresh coat of paint to outdoor lighting or even upgrading your roofing gutters.

Here are six ways of visually and practically improving your home’s exterior.

Paint Your Home’s Exterior

Painting the outside of your home is an inexpensive method of improving your home’s curb appeal. You should consider painting it with a darker color as houses that are light in color are seen as possibly less durable. Although this is entirely subjective, it’s in line with color psychology in marketing.

Adding a shade of a darker color to your home’s exterior will help ground it. Therefore fix a black planter in front of your home or paint the parging near the ground with a darker color. This makes your home more interesting and balanced.

Add Outdoor Lights

Nothing can enhance your home’s ambiance more than a range of lighting options. Although outdoor lights are only noticeable in the evening, they will improve the entire feel of your house. Install soffit lighting to highlight your home’s architecture, ground lights to highlight high bushes or trees, and porch lights to generate a welcoming glow on the front entrance.

Add a Porch

A porch will give character to your home’s exterior, especially if it has a featureless frontage and create additional storage space indoors. You should particularly consider adding a porch if your front entrance leads straight to your living room instead of a hallway.

When adding a porch, carefully consider the design as the porch should be built in a design that compliments your home’s original architectural style and in proportion with your home’s size.

Upgrade Your Roofing Gutters

In the past, regular gutters were common. Today, seamless gutters are growing in popularity. Unlike regular gutters, seamless gutters have no seams. Therefore, they don’t require sealing at the joints. Although seamless gutters are costly upfront, they need less repair and maintenance and have a longer lifespan than regular gutters.

Your home’s exterior will make a huge difference in its value when the time comes to put it on the market. It also affects how your property is seen within your greater neighborhood. Following the above design ideas will ensure you upgrade your home’s exterior visually and practically.