New Beginnings

I’ve decided to add a little inspiration to my blogging and have committed to Capturing my 365 with a photo every day along with whatever words come along with that photo. Today’s photo prompt is New Beginnings. This is a photo of my new dry erase board. Blank and ready to start the new year with an overlay of a wonderful quote by J. B. Priestley:

I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.

Let’s face it, life isn’t easy. There are hard times, tough times, rough times and times when we are just down-right defeated. The good news? Life goes on. We get up each day with the chance to wipe the slate clean, to let go of the negative, to move on and face the world in a positive frame of mind. It’s easy to forget that. Easy to let things linger. Difficult to remember that every day is a new beginning. The fact that we woke up this morning proves that to be true.

Truth be told, I’m going into 2013 a completely different woman, wife, mother, person than I was a year ago. A stronger person, if someone who is a little more cautious, a little less naive. The world is different, I am different. But, these are not necessarily bad things. There were lessons that I needed to learn, values that had to be instilled in me, even as an adult.

This year is, without doubt, is going to be the year in which I have not one new beginning but many, 365 to be exact. Each day is a gift and I will try hard to remember that. I’m so thankful for the life that I live, the family and friends that are in it and for each new morning with a clean slate.

What is your New Beginning revelation?